Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Clase de cocina

Yesterday was my first cooking class. Six students and 2 teachers produced some fantastic frijitas. Due to lack of working space and plenty of cxooks it was a great time to hang out with the other students. Ross, one of the students who is working part time with the mission here, decided doing the Ramba in the kitchen would be great fun!
The teacher asked where we where all staying when we were eating, it turns out she is related to 4 out of 6 host families.... just like Worri Yallock again.


  1. Man I miss it down there...That was 9 years ago now!!

  2. Awesome Sussanah! What did they get you to cook! i am jealous!

  3. a meat and vegetable mix, in tortillas. But we did not make them, my host mother however showed me the fine art.
