Thursday, May 21, 2009

And the water is off....again

One of the nice things about living in Costa Rica is that it's a developing country, rather than an undeveloped country, so where I live has power and running water. The problem is that it's not a developed country, so the water and power go off regularly. Which makes things very annoying when you work on computers in a basement office. Early this week the water was off for 2 days, about a week earlier it was off for 3 days. Without water, everything and everyone in this tropical climate tends to smell a bit. I find it especially amusing when there are advertisements everywhere telling people to wash their hands well because of swine flu, but you can't because there is no water.
However there are some advantages to lack of water.
1. It gives you something to talk about with everyone you meet and the vocab is really very simple.
2. It creates a sort of community feel as everyone waits for the water truck together or visit the few people with tanks.
3. Everyone in developed countries feels really sorry for you.
4. You get to change lunch plans because you can't prepare food in the office, or wash up the dishes- change is as good as a holiday.
5. You get to write a blog like this, or this, or even this (yes, someone came up with the idea of a little blog competition on the lack of water).


  1. Our woes are over now! We shall continue the siege!

  2. I have a good solution which I will love but you will hate Sus...when water is low...drink less of it (save for washing etc) and substitute with coffee :P

    More must be a challenge to work through. Glad to hear it brings some community though.
