As you probably know, I'm not here by myself. There are three others doing the same thing as me (i.e. volunteering for just these 6 months). We all get along well, and compliment each other. We don't just work together, we hang out, go places and babysit staff kids together. So let me
introduce my friends and
On the left is a photo taken on the project trip in the backseat of a back seat of a van. It was very crowded! Right to left is Sarah, Marcos, Susannah and James. We all love this photo! Right is the 4 of us at orientation (horrible of me, wish I could edit myself out), plus another couple who will be joining us here in Costa Rica soon.
Sarah, is the fellow girl in the office. She works part time here and part time at the local orphanage, because she has more maternal instincts in her little finger than I do in my whole body. Sarah is also a civil engineering student, and does
a lot of work with water here. She reads
a lot, and always recommends books to us. The eldest of 5 (4 younger brothers) and possibly the most selfless person you'll ever meet. She'll never admit it, but her Spanish is amazing, and so is she, I couldn't imagine this internship without her.
Marcos is the one we're all convinced was accepted first, because he is so suited to this role for a number of reasons! Firstly, he was born in Guatemala, and though he moved to the US when he was three, he speaks perfect
Spanish and understands the culture. When we need to find out information in a hurry, Marcos is the one who talk for us. Secondly, he's the only graduate, and thus is more experienced and knows how to use computer programs better than the rest of us. He's the only architect among us. He's very passionate about his youth group back home and
Hillsong (moot point between the two of us
James is the closest person to me when it comes to culture because he's Dutch (second generation) and
Canadian (we love the commonwealth!). James and I are both structural engineers at the moment, and thus share office space and music. He is the most
adventurous of the 3 of us,
continuously telling us 'if it hasn't worked out yet, it just isn't over yet' (great advice when you're in the middle of a flood, at night, when the power is off, in a foreign country and don't know where you're staying that night). He loves surfing and bikes and according to the mothers,
possesses a very well written blog.
So there you go, 4 young adults from 4 different cultural backgrounds who've come together to work here for 6 months. We're all so different, yet we can talk for hours. I love them all, and can't imagine what life here would be like without them.
thankyou for sharing these insights Susannah.
ReplyDeleteI'll email the spelling chequer points.
love you lots,
P.S. I like that photo at orientation, finally your gecko thermal got an airing!